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powrót do forum filmu Neonstadt

This film, set in the 80ies, tells about young people in a big city, their lifes, their desires, their dramas and their dreams. The five episodes, directed by then young german directors who had just graduated from the HFF in Munich, Germany (Hochschule für Film & Fernsehen) are all inspired by french and american genre-movies and throughout free of illusions, which expressed the fashionable trend of the 'no future'-attitude of these days. The titles and directors of the five episodes: 1. Verliebt, verlobt, BRD-igt - dir.: Gisela Weilemann ; 2. Star - dir.: Helmer von Lützelburg ; 3. Running Blue - dir.: Dominik Graf ; 4. Panter Neuss - dir.: Johann Schmid ; 5. Disco Satanica - dir.: Wolfgang Büld

Exchange of partners, panic in the "Lonely hearts Café", risky arms trades with a deadly ending, a stolen baseball-jacket and horror behind a John Travolta mask - hot and cool, crazy and grotesque, but all the time thrilling - a kaleidoscope of a big city, told in five stories that are constructed around the "no future"-attitude of the young generation of the 80s.

1982 Deutscher Filmpreis / Bundesfilmpreis – Beste Nachwuchsregie (Dominik Graf)


BR 23.35 also grade jetzt...


Dzięki, ale niestety przegapiłem :( kurrr...
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